Sunday, June 16, 2024


Whoops, sorry about the delay--I'm not sure what happened there. I owe you a podcast episode! Possibly two! I need to pick a day of the week and stick to it. Probably Monday for the moment at least.

I want to talk about mirroring in fiction as I've just read a book that was full of it, then realized of course I'm doing a ton of it in Summerlands. 

I'm also fascinated that my subconscious goes to the bookcase and picks out a book for me. I mean, I go along with it. I am present in this situation. But I pick a book not really consciously thinking about why, then it turns out to be extremely pertinent to what I'm working on.

I also got mildly wigged to run into someone Finnish on Blue Sky with the same name as one of the characters in Summerlands. I know it's just recency bias or something. Is recency a word? Why does that not look like a word? 

Really nothing could be more likely than that I pick a name from a baby name list and then happen across a person with that name. I just wouldn't have noticed it before. Also I keep forgetting it.

I stared at his picture like he was the grown-up version of this little boy character. You guys. HE'S NOT.

Fiction! I get so absorbed in it that I don't even realize how absorbed I am. 

Anyway mirroring, coming soon, also dual storylines. Maybe I'll do both this week since I think construction is going to stop on the nearby house. This is actually a big deterrent to recording. It is SO LOUD and the dog barks and it's a whole thing. They start at 8 a.m., too. Heavy equipment that shakes the house and crashes and beeps and on and on. 

However due to an unrelated tragic circumstance they may not be working on it for a while, I'm not sure. If you see two episodes, that's why. 

Let's hope for tomorrow, okay? Okay!

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