Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Episode Five: The Idiot Plot

It's up! emmaburns.org

Definitely go read the article on Wikipedia about the idiot plot, then come back and listen.

And if you've read everything on this blog, you're perfectly familiar with the novels and movie that infuriated me due to their use of the idiot plot. But I don't name them in the episode. Except Glass Onion. Because wow.

However, there's a fascinating connection between that and learned helplessness. Let's dive into that morass together!

Also I wrote 25,000 words of Summerlands in the past week or ten days, nobody knows which, and am definitely losing a little structural integrity in the thinkery because of it. I edit out those pauses but hoo boy they're getting longer and more frequent.

It's the.........................book.......................where we find..............and so on. It's like that. But I take them out. YOU'RE WELCOME. Oh my aching editing hand.

I realized an astonishing thing I missed in the draft so far while recording this. So thank you!

And my friend helped me figure out a fantastic way into the dad character that's actually going to make him work. After this recording, so I didn't know then, but I know now.

I have to go write until 3 a.m. then stagger around all next day again. Good times. Sacred cheese of life! 

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