Thursday, June 20, 2024

Episode 8: Good girl, sad boy

Another episode is up!

In it I get worked up over this insidious trope in fiction that dates back two thousand years to the earliest Greek novels that were the source for the narrative shape of virgin martyr stories, gothic fiction, and ultimately young adult fiction. Self-sacrificing and self-abnegating good girls. Sad boys who therefore deserve to get everything they want.

But don't worry, I solve all that in 35 minutes. 

Subservience! Doing things that aren't good for us! Training people to be doormats! STOP IT.

And a whole lot of my computer freezing up on me and dropping the audio. "You bastard, computer," I said to it at one point. I have to take drastic steps with this thing, no lie. Possibly involving an axe.

ALSO I have resolved the issue with Podcast Connects so you should be able to search and find us in Apple Podcasts any minute now. Any minute! I have no idea how fast it works, actually. But it is published and live and will be happening. OH BOY!!!

There were some obstacles today, dear cheese listeners. But we persevered. I need a nap.



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